Collaborating upstream - beyond fitness to practice
"An announce of prevention is worth a pound of care"
Tista Chakravarty-Gannon, Principal Regional Liaison Advisor, GMC
You can follow Tista on twitter via @tcgannon
Dr Alan Dow, GPC representative gives an update on DEVO GM | Dr John Kelly reflecting on his career as a GP in Oldham |
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Dr Andy Hershon accepting a GP of Note award with Dr Peter Wright and Dr Paul Lambden | Dr John Kelly accepting a GP of Note award with Dr Peter Wright and Dr Paul Lambden |
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Guest speaker Dr Paul Lambden delivers a humorous and inspiring reflection on life as a GP. | Professor Matthew Makin, newly appointed Medical Director of the Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust was able to join us. |
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AGM 2015
Agenda – Monday 18th May 2015>
Guest Speaker - Dr Aseem Malhotra
'Empowering Patients and GPs'
Informed Decision Making to Empower Patients and Doctors for the Best Quality Care
Maximising the benefits and minimising the harms of statins
The value of social media to General Practice and the wider community - Dr Amir Hannan & Elaine Parker- Boyd
Further resources on the safe use of social media: The RCGP have a social media highway code and the Nursing and Midwifery Council have published Guidance On Using Social Media Responsibly.

Dr Aseem Malhotra delivering his keynote speech.

Dr Aseem Malhotra feels passionately about the quality of care delivered and the need for people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

Practice Manager Jean Waddington introduces her friend and former colleague Dr Pam Joyce who was to receive a GP of Note award.

Dr Pamela Joyce receives an award for her services to patients, the NHS and her charitable efforts for impoverished people around the world.

Dr Sally Hall receives an award for her services in ensuring high quality care is delivered and the work she has done locally as well as across Greater Manchester.

Dr Peter Wright, Chair of the West Pennine Local Medical Committee.
To find out more about what social media offers the NHS, with handy hints and tips click here.