Could you join West Pennine Local Medical Committee as a co-opted General Practice Nurse Member from Tameside & Glossop and Oldham ?
Practice nurses are a vital part of the General Practice workforce, delivering much of the chronic disease management as well as immunisations, minor ailments and in some cases education, training, triaging and even Group Consultations. We know there are big challenges faced by General Practice nurses. NHS England has responded with a 10 point plan which hopes to alleviate some of these problems. We are keen to understand better some of the issues around recruitment, retaining and nurses returning to practice and how we can value them more. There are various plans in place to raise the profile of practice nurses add develop new skills and abilities. and provide extra support for this very valued group. West Pennine LMC is looking for a Practice Nurse representative from Tameside and Glossop CCG and also from Oldham CCG. Practice nurses (like practice manager) are a critical part of General Practice. Please could you ask your practice nurses if they are interested. Please ask them to contact Dr Hannan if they would like a chat We are looking for a member from each CCG to be co-opted onto the committee.
Celebrating General Practice Nursing across Greater Manchester - Deadline 24th November for nominations to be submitted
Dear Colleagues,
This collaborative celebration of General Practice Nursing across Greater Manchester is a platform to celebrate the achievements of General Practice Nursing for our CCG.
The Greater Manchester Practice Nursing Awards is a fantastic opportunity for Tameside and Glossop to showcase the marvellous care we deliver in our locality.
There are 9 categories available for nomination:
- GPN Innovator of the Year
- Transforming Services Award
- Inspirational Leader
- Practice Nursing Team of the Year
- Rising Star Award
- People’s Choice Award
- Innovative Training Practice of the Year
- Heath Care Practitioner of the Year
- Practice Nurse of the Year
Nominations are welcomed from all Greater Manchester GP practices, General Practitioners, General Practice Nurses, Health Care Support Workers, Practice managers, Primary Care Professionals, Student Nurses, Educational Establishments, Patients, Carers, Patient groups.
**Nominations for Good Practice awards: 9 October - 24 November 2017**
Many thanks for your support in this matter.
Louise Kay
Practice Nursing Clinical Development Lead
NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group
GM Health & Social Care Partnership Practice Nurse and Health Care Practitioner awards
There's Nothing General about Practice Nursing
General Practice Nurse of the Year Nomination Form
Practitioner of the year Nomination Form